pitaya fruit taste coraçaí

What does Pink Pitaya fruit taste like?

The pitaya (or pitahaya) is a fruit that will attract your attention from the start. It is also known as dragon fruit and has two main species: yellow pitahaya and red pitahaya (or pink pitaya). In CORAÇAÍ we specialize in marketing the tastiest and the healthiest pink pitaya you will find in the market.

Let yourself be carried away by the incomparable flavour of our pink pitaya!!!


Pitaya fruit taste is like nothing you´ve ever tasted before


The pink pitaya is a concentrate of vitamins and nutrients that will make it become the essential ingredient in the diet of lovers of healthy cooking. The appearance of this fruit, with a slightly sweet flavor with a touch of acidity, is powerfully striking. Its shell is a vivid fuchsia colour and its pulp, full of small seeds, is an intense pink.


pink pitahaya dragon fruit


Surely more than one has already realized that in CORAÇAÍ we offer our products in freezing state from the fruit at its best ripening time but, why do we do so?

Belonging to the Cactaceae family, the pitaya comes from Central American countries such as Nicaragua or the Antilles. Just hearing its name, in any of its variants, takes us to distant and exotic lands. Pitahaya means scaly fruit in Haitian, something quite logical when you see its appearance, for most species have triangular bracts reminiscent of scales.

Another name for which this cactus fruit is known is dragon fruit, also related to its shape. The first producers and consumers of this exotic fruit were carried away by their imagination and decided to call it that because it reminded them of the shape of dragons that appear in the traditional drawings of Chinese culture.


Why does our pink Pitaya have more flavour and nutrients?


The answer is very simple: Because we have the highest quality standards. In CORAÇAÍ we only work
with producers of the best organic fruit 100% sustainable production, so the product that is imported is of the highest quality.

Our pitahaya is cultivated and harvested in Nicaragua, one of the main producing countries of this fruit and the only one capable of guaranteeing the highest quality and organic production of the Pitahaya. That’s why our Pink Pitaya pulp BIO with seeds is richer in nutrients. And when you try it, you will find that its flavour and colour are the most intense on the market.


dragon fruit frozen pulp


This is added to the optimized process of collecting and transportación of the fruit, done in such a way that, in the time it takes the fruit to get from its growing places to our pantry, the quality and flavour of the product is not reduced.

It is noteworthy that the pink pitaya is, of the varieties of this fruit that exist, the most delicate and perishable. If the fruit is collected and transported with low quality standards, it causes the product to lose its delicate and fine taste, that is like sugary water, being practically tasteless. For this reason, the conditions of transportation, storage and humidity, to which our pitahayas are subjected, are the most demanding. Only in this way can we preserve and enhance all the flavour of our pitahaya pulp to get to your plate as if it were freshly harvested fruit.


A serving of Pink Pitaya, much more than pure fruit


Fragrant and fresh scent and meat reminiscent (especially by the abundance of nuggets) to the kiwi, this fruit is sometimes a great ‘forgotten’ in the fruit shop, simply by ignorance. That’s why we want you to know better this fantastic food full of nutrients and health benefits:

A concetrate of vitamins

Our Pink Pitaya BIO provides a high percentage of vitamins to your diet, among which we highlight the group B -B1, B2 and B3- and C. This last vitamin is very important because thanks to the high concentration of this substance, the pink pitahaya is a fruit with which we can, among many other benefits, favour the absorption of iron from the rest of the food, so it helps the best conservation of our bones and teeth.

Source of fibre

We already know that to regulate intestinal transit is important the intake of abundant fruit throughout the day. Much better if that fruit is the pink pitaya, because it is ideal to lead a natural treatment against constipation, not only because it is rich in fibre, but because its seeds (present in 60% of its meat) have essential oils that improve intestinal transit.

Powerful antioxidant

It is, along with the anti-inflammatory action, its most outstanding property. This is due to the high
concentration of vitamin C present in this fruit, which we discussed. It is an essential nutrient that increases resistance to infections and intervenes in the formation of bones and teeth, as well as stimulates the creation of red blood cells. On the other hand, it is our ally against cellular aging, since by enhancing the formation of collagen improves the elasticity and luminosity of the skin.

And a long list of additional benefits

Dragon fruit is a nutritional treasure. In addition to all the nutrients we have already highlighted, this fruit gives us important contributions of mucilage, ascorbic acid, phenols, calcium, phosphorus, iron. It has a high water content (more than 80% per 100 grams of pitahaya so, added to its low sugar and carbohydrate content, it is ideal as a supplement in slimming diets) and has vegetable protein. Besides, its seeds contain beneficial fatty acids.

After all this you might already have planned to try, if you haven’t already, the pitahaya. Good decision. And if, in addition, the chosen one is the CORAÇAÍ Pink Pitaya will be providing extra benefits and nutrients to your body. Thanks to the excellent quality of our frozen pulp you can enjoy the most genuine and intense flavour of dragon fruit that you will find in the market.


Join the Coraçaí Pink Pitaya experience!!


pink pitaya recipes


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Coraçaí The Quality Fruit You Need


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+34 619 391 699



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