açaí bio sorbet

Açaí BIO Sorbet Made in Spain

In Coraçaí we offer you the first Açaí BIO Sorbet manufactured in Spain, without lecithins or other elements that can generate intolerances or poor digestion. We will tell you what are the benefits of including this product in your diet, how to prepare it well and the ideal time to enjoy the nutritional properties of açaí.

You might know that açaí is one of the exotic fruits that has more health benefits. What you may not know is that it needs to undergo a slight degree of processing for its elaboration, and this is what will largely determine its quality. That’s why we always say that not all açaí brands are the same nor offer the same product, you must look at the ingredients to check.


Coraçaí is the only company in Europe that sells Premium Quality Açaí pulp, since it contains a concentration of fruit superior to other brands on the market.

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It is very important to check nutritional labels before purchasing a product of industrial origin. Don’t forget to look at nutrition claims, but it is also crucial to check the list of ingredients and the nutritional value of the product concerned. It is always good news to know that a product is free of additives and added sugars, such as our Açaí BIO Sorbet.


Benefit of Açaí BIO Sorbet


Despite its industrial origin, açaí sorbet cannot be considered as an ultra-processed product, as it is made from natural ingredients of excellent quality: açaí pulp, water and less than 0.2% citric acid.

In addition, include in the diet regularly the Açaí BIO Sorbet has a number of benefits that we will tell you:

– It is a good contribution of antioxidants, in particular anthocyanins. According to a study published in the journal Nutrients, anthocyanins contribute to prevent the development of chronic pathologies, such as neurodegeneratives.

– It is able to provide vitamin C, an essential element to get the immune system working properly. It even stimulates endogenous synthesis of collagen, being this the most abundant protein in the human body. This is evidenced by a research published in the journal Frontiers in Physiology, which relates an adequate consumption of the nutrient with a lower incidence or a more efficient management of problems such as dermatitis.

– Thanks to the sugars naturally present in the fruit, Açaí BIO Sorbet provides the energy necessary for sports. Keep in mind that physical activity is essential to ensure good health. It is crucial to perform strength exercises at least 2 or 3 times a week to keep the muscle functional.


When to consume açaí?


You can have an Açaí BIO Sorbet at various times of the day. For example at breakfast. Accompany it with nuts and other foods that provide the fiber, necessary to delay the absorption of carbohydrates, such as granola. This is a very recommended option for athletes.

You can also enjoy a delicious sorbet of açaí in the middle of the morning, at the snack or after lunch. The only time of day it would be better not to take it is at night because once the sun sets, the body loses its ability to metabolize carbohydrates correctly. This could negatively impact metabolic health in the medium term.

At the same time, it should be remembered that it will be necessary to alternate the intake of this product with other types of fresh fruit to meet one of the pillars of the healthy diet that is the variety. This will reduce the risk of developing nutritional deficits that can condition your health.


Why is the Açai BIO Sorbet better than other competing products?


açaí sorbet

One of the differential points of Açaí BIO Sorbet is the quality of the pulp used, presenting a higher concentration in fruit than other versions available on the market. This can be seen in a better taste, color and texture as well as better nutritional characteristics, which affect the quality of the final product.

Coraçai’s pulp of açaí does not contain added sugars or food additives inside, so that harmful effects on metabolic health or hormonal balance in the medium term are avoided.
The digestion of the product will be good and unlikely to generate intolerances, as it is also free of lactose, gluten and suitable for vegans.

Besides, we find a sorbet with a significant concentration in phytochemical compounds. They contribute to the maintenance of balance in the internal environment, both at the oxidative level and from the inflammatory point of view.


You only have to try Coraçai’s Açai BIO Sorbet


If you haven’t tried it yet, you should know that açaí BIO sorbet is a high-quality product, both for its flavor and for its concentration of antioxidants. We make it in Spain with açaí pulp from our organic production plantations in the Brazilian Amazon. It can be included in the context of a balanced and varied diet to improve the supply of anthocyanins, determining elements in order to preserve a good state of health.

You can enjoy this sorbet throughout the year, both in summer and winter. Alone or accompanied by toppings of your choice. You only have to take your açaí sorbet out of the freezer 10 minutes before consuming it to enjoy its full flavor and creamier texture.

There are many options to consume açaí BIO and to benefit from the nutrients that this fruit concentrates inside.


For more information about açaí and all products that we sell, contact us.


Coraçaí The Quality Fruit You Need


Head Office in Spain


+34 619 391 699



For international inquiries

+34 604 050 423




Source images: Freepik.

The nutritional information of this article has been provided by Saúl Sánchez Arias, nutritionist specializing in sports nutrition and nutrigenomics.

    • Blesso C. N. (2019). Dietary Anthocyanins and Human Health. Nutrients, 11(9), 2107. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11092107.
    • Wang, K., Jiang, H., Li, W., Qiang, M., Dong, T., & Li, H. (2018). Role of Vitamin C in Skin Diseases. Frontiers in physiology, 9, 819. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2018.00819.







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